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HIPAA, Healthcare and Cybersecurity: New Threats to Health Information and New Guidance

Thursday, March 15, 2018
12:30 pm2:00 pm

If you are not prepared to deal with Cybersecurity issues your organization can be brought to its knees. More than one healthcare entity has had to scrap its entire IT infrastructure to recover from an attack, at a cost of millions of dollars, and entities that are not sufficiently prepared to deal with Cybersecurity issues may receive penalties from the US Department of Health and Human Services if a breach results. Now is the time to be sure your Cybersecurity stance is strong and resilient and follows recommendations by HHS and NIST.
In this session, we will examine how following the requirements of the HIPAA Security Rule and specifically taking into consideration cyber‐threats can help a healthcare entity prepare itself to defend against cyber‐attacks and the significant impacts to privacy, security, and patient care and safety that can result. We will learn about the latest guidance and tools for assisting in preparation and response to cyber‐attacks, and what to do if the attack is successful and creates an incident that must be managed and recovered from.