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Preparedness Webinar Series: Disaster Gap: The Smallest (BIGGEST) Interval You''ve Never Heard Of

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
1:00 pm2:00 pm

In the moments after a disaster, the time prior to arrival of first responders is uncharted time. During this time, people experiencing the scene first-hand step up, regardless of training, to care for others. They act, doing the best they can amidst an unstable scene and at their own personal risk. Their actions may be the difference between life and death, yet we do little to prepare them or care for them after the event. Neither bystander nor first responder, these are the Spontaneous Responders within the Disaster Gap and they are often invisible to us. This webinar will differentiate spontaneous responders from both bystanders and first responders, will serve as a call to arms to change how we teach about disasters, and will suggest ways to change how we construct After Action Reports.

1. Discuss the significance of the gap between the moment of an incident and the arrival of first responders.
2. Describe the meaning of the term “disaster gap” as it relates to major emergency incidents and identify at least 3 types of disaster gaps.
3. Evaluate your own personal level of preparedness and what actionable steps could be implemented to close a disaster gap.

Target Audience:
This webinar is intended for physicians, nurses, first responders, health care coalitions, public health, emergency managers, federal and state partners and other professionals throughout Region 7 (IA, KS, MO. and NE) and beyond.