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Building a Sustainable Hospital Employed Physician Network

Thursday, March 9, 2017
12:30 pm2:00 pm

Many healthcare systems have experienced considerable financial loss with their employed physician networks (EPN). This presentation will examine a few key reasons for this trend and discuss ways healthcare systems can turn this situation around. Hospital EPNs can operate effectively and efficiently, however, clear and realistic expectations must be set by both parties.

As payment models migrate from volume to value, more care will be delivered and managed in the outpatient, ambulatory setting. This will require clinics and systems to function efficiently and engage in strategic deployment of available technologies in an effort to better manage and coordinate care.

This presentation will engage the audience by contemplating practical applications (“real world”) of successful EPNs, the foibles of “failure,” and the KPIs necessary to sustain a successful model. It will also contemplate the deployment of technologies (e.g. remote patient monitoring and others) to ensure patient management and adherence to care protocols reducing readmission for chronic care and reducing the cost of care.